Gentle Yoga - Opening for Hips and Chest Along with Core

Aired -

Tatyana Souza

As a PhD of Immunology and an E-RYT 500, Tatyana Souza weaves together seamlessly her health and body knowledge from eastern and western traditions. Inspired by the mental benefits of consistent yoga practice and...
Use core stability and integration work to open up chest, ribs, shoulder and hips. Walk away stronger and longer :)
Props: blocks, blanket and bolster

This class is designed to open the body safely and in a supportive environment. We will practice seated, standing, and reclining, to open up in all directions, while being kind to the joints. We'll tap into our breath to help calm the body and mind, in a gentle flow that will improve flexibility, balance, and awareness. Everything in yoga is optional and modifications will be offered so everyone can find the pose that's right for them. This practice is open to all levels and abilities, whether you're a seasoned yogi recovering from an injury, a complete beginner, or a vinyasa enthusiast looking to embrace some ease with your effort.